Wednesday, August 15, 2007


The picture I posted yesterday is from when I was in Ethiopia and met Kozit two months ago. Yes, she does look super healthy and at the time the picture was taken had only spent a few days in the orphanage. The picture posted on the side of my blog is from Rachel Elliot (sorry I'm not sure how to hyperlink to her blog, can someone email me and let me know the trick). It was taken about a month ago. Thanks Rachel. As you can see little Kozit has a runny nose and some marks on her forehead in this pic. I also have a picture from Gladney that I am having a difficult time posting. It's on a word document, if someone could email me and let me know how to transfer I would really appreciate it. In the most recent picture Kozit has pox marks and is barely smiling. She is still adorable but in desperate need of some TLC. As you can imagine I am very anxious to hold this little girl in my arms and make sure she is well taken care of. Here are two more pics. The first is from Rachel and the second is from my trip.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Introducing Kozit

Yahooooooo!!!! While in Ethiopia I learned that Tsebay had a sister. Her birthmom put her in the orphanage and relinquished her rights the week I was there. She is two years old and is soooo adorable. Tsebay and I were able to spend time with her sister on the last day of my stay in Ethiopia. When she came into the room she ran up to Tsebay an started kissing her face. They look so much alike and have many similiar mannerisms. From the time I heard about this little one I felt there was a plan in place that these girls were meant to be together and be my family. Since returning home I have started the process to adopt this special little girl and just got news today that her medical tests (hep, HIV) all came back negative. Aside from the chicken pox (poor thing) and the occasional ear infection (poor poor thing) Kozit has been given a clean bill of health. God is good!! I plan to keep Kozit as her middle name and give her the name Maya as her first name.........Maya Kozit Quinn........ We were told her name was Hozit so we've been calling her Hozit for the past month. I guess I shouldn't get too attached to Kozit. You definitely have to be flexible in this process and keep your sense of humor. If all goes well I will be the mother of two within six months. I need to run and get the paperwork moving. I am off to fed ex my I-600 A, my Gladney paperwork and my fingerprints. Now everyone has been a bit lax lately with the comments and I've been a bit slow with the posts but lets get some love going for little Kozit.

And without further ado, here is a picture.......

Does she look like someone we know???

Monday, August 13, 2007

Settling in.........

Tomorrow will mark three weeks since Tsebay and I landed on Maui. It is wonderful to be here and share my life with Tsebay. She is such an awesome little girl and really goes with the flow. She is a big hit on Maui! I had two work meetings on Friday and she was so great through both of them. At one point I was giving an orientation to parents and had her on my hip. I would love to have her with me 100% of the time but going to work and having her with me is getting a bit exhausting. I am looking for a sitter for three days a week. It will be hard to leave her but necessary to make sure my job is well done. Please pray I am able to find a safe environment for my little angel.

Tsebay is learning new tricks everyday. She is starting the backward crawl and continues to ensure her wants and needs are met. She is super expressive and has the best sense of humor. She is very silly. I'm not sure where she gets that from. Tsebay is a people person. She makes eye contact and engages people everywhere we go. I constantly have people stop me in stores to tell me how cute she is. It is a true joy being her momma and I know I'm spoiled to have such an awesome baby.

Here are some pics of my little beach bum----

I am excited to see another person has donated to Gladney. There is a place to donate on the right hand side of my blog. The money will go to the Care Center in Ethiopia. Every little bit helps.

I hope to have some exciting news to post this week so keep checking in.