Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Back in the Swing of Things

It's been a month since my last post. I apologize for being such a slacker (I have some really good excuses but I won't go there). Thanks Mimi for covering for me. Isn't that what moms are for? I have so much to share and don't know where to begin. The trip to Ethiopia was amazing. It was like a homecoming. I was greeted by hugs and kisses and everyone was eager to hear about Tsebay. Meeting Kozette was amazing. It was like I was her momma her whole life. She attached herself to me from the first second and has pretty much been at my side ever since. Kozette is a wonderful little girl. She is sweet and compassionate and very loving. Don't get me wrong there are challenges but we get through them and she is improving every day.

On January 21st Tsebay turned one. We had a great party with family and friends. I can't believe how much my baby is growing. Her top two teeth are coming in and she is beginning to walk a few steps at a time. Her vocabulary continues to increase. Her most recent words are dog and Thank you. Tsebay continues to be a cuddle bug and enjoys having her sister around, most of the time. She has been a real trooper through this entire experience and I know I am blessed to have such a great baby.

The toughest part of adding Kozette to our family has been missing out on my 24/7 time with Tsebay. I am still working on the balance and have heard from many seasoned moms that this is always a challenge. The travel was exactly what you would imagine, pretty tough but we got through it and I'm sure I will be torturing myself again in this fashion sometime soon.

It was great to spend time and catch up with friends and family on the East Coast. Thank you to everyone for your love and support, especially Mimi and Pop Pop. We'll be back soon. We are settling in back on Maui and are lucky to have a super nanny, Ange. She passed the toughest test of all. She traveled with us from Philly to Maui and didn't quit. Ange is great with the girls. She is very positive and very consistent. It has been great introducing Kozette to her Aunt Shelly. I know they are going to be the best of friends.

Here is a slide show with some pics from the past month.

Gladney, what do I have to do to get my blog moved to the top of the page? I've been to Ethiopia and back twice!


Renee said...

Hi Maria!
I'm so happy to hear that you're getting settled in and the girls are doing well. We had so much fun with you guys and ET and hope to cross paths again!

Drew Carey Show said...

So glad you girls are back in Maui and getting settled in! I just watched the slide show, and no surprise -- tears all over again. What a joy seeing your beautiful girls together! I can't wait to see Kozette's thighs fill out like Tsebay's! I hope we can schedule a Maui trip this year to see you girls. In fact, I think I'm going to go bug Drew about it now. And do this trip again soon? Is there something we should know about??? Anyway, I'm glad you've had an opportunity to give a blog update. I can only imagine how busy you are with this transition. Wishing you much joy, peace and patience in your latest adventure as Mommy... XOXO Carey

Quinn Girls said...

I must clarify, I mean the flights between Maui and the Mainland. Although it is a wonderful place and I am not ruling out ever adopting from there again, I will not be traveling back to Ethiopia anytime soon.

graceling said...

I love the kissing picture! How sweet!

Robin said...

Hi Maria:

So glad you made it home!!! Your girls are beautiful! It is hard balancing love, affection, etc. between two kids. It might be easier for me b/c Squeeker is 8, but still a challenge to make sure he gets his "mommy" time too!

I'm gathering that two trips to Ethiopia are enough for one lifetime???? That flight is tough, no doubt about that!!!

Can you email some pics of the little boy that may have Downs if you have any? Did you find out any more information about him, i.e. how old is he?


Gail Weaver said...

Maria - I love how quick you were to shoot down any thought of you making another baby trek to Ethiopia. Don't worry - I am keeping my big ol' predictions-making mouth closed this time :-D

The picture of Tsebay in the swing is too cute. We'll have to pick a good time for Dan and I to come up visit all of the Quinn girls soon!

Mamato2 said...

Double Mamahood may be a challenge, but just seeing the 2 sisters back together, loving on each other... wow!

Jake and Taryn said...

The girls are so beautiful!! Congratulations on 2 gorgeous blessings! :)
